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355-нм УФ-импульсный лазерный источник, маркирующий гравировку алюминиевой пленки
Jun 01 , 2022355-нм УФ-импульсный лазерный источник, маркирующий гравировку алюминиевой пленки
Отзывы клиентов
This uv laser 355nm was the best priced item, and shipped in great shape to me in blazing fast fashion! We are watching a lot of videos and learning learning learning. Excited to be able to make some really nice products soon. after setup it worked fawlessly for me, soft ware was new to me so still learning it but I cant believe what all I can create。355nm uv pulsed laser source marking engraving aluminum film
uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers