3W,5W,10W uv laser

УФ лазерной маркировочной машине мощностью 5 Вт есть что сказать

Oct 22 , 2021

5W UV laser marking machine has something to say


I believe that many people know laser marking machines, and also know how many industries laser marking machines serve. It can even be said that the streets are full of masterpieces of laser marking machines, and laser marking machines will definitely be indispensable in future life. Even more and more. At present, there are many types of laser marking machines on the market, such as ultraviolet laser marking machines, fiber laser marking machines, metal laser marking machines, CO2 laser marking machines, etc. Of course, different laser marking machines must apply different products , The technical characteristics are different, but no matter what type of laser marking machine, it is very useful and will be more and more demanded by everyone. The laser marking machine has something to say, just talk about things that everyone doesn't know.


UV laser marking


The so-called laser marking machine, as the name suggests, actually uses a beam of light to mark the goods, but the mark is permanent. The function of the laser marking machine is not as simple as printing a logo on the jewelry or printing a word on a cola can. Many difficult and demanding marking tasks are also done by the laser marking machine, so its role is imaginable And knowing is great. At present, there are many laser marking machine manufacturers selling their own machines on the market, and more manufacturers will emerge in the future, so you must pay special attention when buying laser marking machines. Machines not produced by manufacturers must be Different, each manufacturer should have its own technical patents, different technologies, late-stage products, and the effect of the finished product are worlds apart. The details may not be visible to the naked eye, but the accuracy of the laser marking machine is really good. They are all very high, the requirements are also high, and the price is naturally higher. After all, the cost is there, but I would rather spend more money to buy machines from manufacturers with technical patents than buy small manufacturers for cheap. The machine, not to mention whether the machine is good or not, it is said that the after-sales service and the quality of the machine are not guaranteed, and it will be a hassle to buy it later. Of course, if you have no requirements on technology, and your customers have no requirements on the effect of marking. If you only want high quality and low price, you can consider a low-cost laser marking machine, but you should keep your eyes open when you buy it to avoid buying it cheaply. It’s expensive, and the maintenance costs are enough to buy a new laser marking machine, so it’s unnecessary.

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Все больше и больше производителей машин для лазерной маркировки преувеличивают, продвигая свои собственные маркировочные машины. Они склонны преувеличивать эффект, но в действительности могут не достичь ожидаемых целей. Походите по магазинам перед покупкой. Обязательно смотрите лазерную маркировку. Пока готовый продукт машины имеет правильную цену, эффект готового продукта является удовлетворительным, и все аспекты соответствуют нашим собственным стандартам, мы можем начать как можно скорее.

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