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Анализ цветового эффекта маркировки мощным зеленым лазером из нержавеющей стали

Oct 08 , 2021

Analysis of Color Effect of Stainless Steel Powerful Green Laser Marking


The laser marking machine can be laser engraved in white, but black is not surprising, but maybe it is rare for my friends to see various color laser marking machines?

The research on stainless steel material color laser marking is mainly aimed at laser equipment manufacturers to explore the application field of laser marking machine and expand the sales market of marking machine. At the same time, for the stainless steel product industry, the application of color laser marking The colorfulness of the marking graphics can be added to the mark, which can increase the added value of stainless steel products in a large format and enhance the international competitiveness of domestic stainless steel products.


Laser marking as a new process for color stainless steel processing


At present, in the expansion of the stainless steel marking field in China, a new process development of stainless color marking has appeared. However, there is very little research work in this area at present, and the main work of enterprises is limited to the actual operation and debugging of color laser marking, and few theoretical research and mechanism analysis are carried out. Laser marking, as a new process for color stainless steel processing, is currently in the experimental stage. Although there are a small amount of actual production applications, because of the imperfection of the process, it has hindered the expansion of production. In order to expand the practical application of color laser marking on stainless steel materials, it is particularly important to carry out research topics in this field.

The color rendering principle of stainless steel, and the corresponding relationship between color change and laser energy in stainless steel color laser marking, to find out the main laser parameters that affect the marking color. The specific research content is as follows:


Study the nature of color to facilitate the understanding of the color rendering principle of colored stainless steel.


To study the principle of color development of colored stainless steel, there are three color development methods: one is to generate colored oxides; the other is to generate a thin colorless transparent oxide film on the surface of stainless steel under the action of chemistry, electrochemistry or laser. Produce interference effect, can show color on the surface; third, there is a mixed state of colored oxide and oxide film at the same time.

Study the interaction between laser and material, including the absorption of laser light by metal materials and the heating process of the material by laser light. Through the color laser marking experiment, observe the surface microstructure of the stainless steel color laser marking sample and analyze the changes in the marking process.

Study the laser heating effect on the surface of stainless steel under the action of laser. The calculation of the laser thermal effect equation shows that the laser energy density is proportional to the film thickness. Experiments show that with the increase of laser energy, the color of the stainless steel surface changes in the following color sequence: orange-red-purple-blue-green-blue-blue-green-green-yellow-green-yellow-orange-red...

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Цветная лазерная маркировочная машина из нержавеющей стали поучительна


Поучительна специальная машина для лазерной маркировки из нержавеющей стали, разработанная производителем лазерного оборудования. Текущие общие параметры маркировки машины для цветной лазерной маркировки: ток, частота повторения импульсов, ширина импульса, расстояние между точками, расстояние между линиями и скорость маркировки и т. Д. Нет прямого соответствия цвету нержавеющей стали, создаваемому лазером. Параметры маркировки изменены на параметры, которые непосредственно влияют на изменение цвета поверхности нержавеющей стали, такие как: энергия лазера, частота повторения импульсов, ширина импульса и т. д., уменьшают переменные параметры, повышают простоту и надежность настройки цвета и сделать лазерную цветную маркировку нержавеющей стали. Возможен запуск серийного промышленного производства.

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