3W,5W,10W uv laser

Применение высокочастотного импульсного твердотельного лазерного маркиратора в производстве печатных плат

Aug 25 , 2021

UV laser marking the two-dimensional code of the circuit board

Two-dimensional codes can carry a large amount of information, which is the basis for realizing product information traceability, but this means that each product can have its own unique two-dimensional code. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, portability and thinness have become the mainstream, and consumers will have higher and higher quality requirements for products. As a manufacturer, the quality control of the internal PCB circuit board is also increasing. The more stringent, the UV laser marking machine can be applied to the two-dimensional code marking of the circuit board, which helps companies to trace their products and pay attention to the second purchase.


355 UV laser marking is environmentally friendly and economical for a long time

Compared with the inkjet method, laser marking technology is more environmentally friendly and economical. Long-term marking will not be easily erased. Non-contact and non-destructive marking will not damage the substrate. The processing accuracy is fine and delicate, and it can be 0.12x0. The 12mm 31-bit two-dimensional code laser marking, more importantly, has a long service life. It can reduce a lot of production costs for the company during continuous work. With the advantage of fast processing efficiency, a two-dimensional code can be used in less than 1 second. can be completed. Compared with the processing of ink, laser marking machine is also more environmentally friendly for the production workshop, because it will not produce waste gas or waste water due to the ink, thus avoiding pollution.

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Ультрафиолетовая лазерная маркировочная машина помогает производителям печатных плат осуществлять полный контроль качества

Сравнивая преимущества и недостатки интегрированной технологии лазерной маркировки с преимуществами и недостатками струйного метода, можно увидеть, что при объединении двухмерной кодовой маркировки печатных плат нового поколения и технологии УФ-лазерной маркировки они станут идеальный партнер для тонкой обработки и увеличения. Функция защиты от подделок открывает широкие возможности для применения. УФ-лазерная маркировочная машина помогает производителям печатных плат осуществлять безупречный контроль качества. Огромный рынок печатных плат обеспечивает широкие возможности для развития машин для лазерной маркировки.


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