3W,5W,10W uv laser

Кратко опишите применение мощного ультрафиолетового лазерного станка мощностью 15 Вт в высокотехнологичной промышленности.

Oct 18 , 2021

Кратко опишите применение мощного ультрафиолетового лазерного станка мощностью 15 Вт в высокотехнологичной промышленности.


В настоящее время, с постепенным развитием и стабильностью ультрафиолетовых лазеров, индустрия лазерной обработки перешла от инфракрасных лазеров к ультрафиолетовым лазерам. В то же время применение ультрафиолетовых лазеров становится все более и более популярным, и лазерные применения расширяются.


Наносекундная УФ-лазерная резка


Принцип работы УФ-лазерной резки заключается в УФ-лазерной резке пластин. Поверхность сапфировой подложки твердая. Как правило, режущий диск трудно резать, износ велик, производительность низкая, а путь резания превышает 30 мкм, что не только уменьшает площадь использования, но и снижает выход продукта. Благодаря индустрии синих и белых светодиодов спрос на резку пластин с сапфировой подложкой значительно увеличился, и были выдвинуты более высокие требования для повышения производительности и скорости квалификации готовой продукции.

ультрафиолетовый лазер  | зеленый лазер  | ультрафиолетовые лазеры  | ультрафиолетовый лазер dpss  | наносекундный лазер  | УФ лазерный источник  | Твердотельные лазеры

Ultraviolet laser processing has become a necessary processing method, which can process many types of ceramics


Ultraviolet laser uses ceramic cutting. In the last century, the application of electronic ceramics has gradually matured, with a wider range of applications, such as heat dissipation substrates, piezoelectric materials, resistors, semiconductor applications, biological applications, etc. In addition to traditional ceramic processing technology, ceramic processing is also due to applications The increase in types, and then entered the field of laser processing. According to the types of ceramic materials, it can be divided into functional ceramics, structural ceramics and bio-ceramics. Lasers that can be used to process ceramics include CO2 lasers, YAG lasers, green lasers, etc. However, with the gradual miniaturization of components, ultraviolet laser processing has become a necessary processing method, which can process many types of ceramics.


UV laser has developed a variety of applications in the mobile phone industry


Ultraviolet laser glass cutting, and the application of ultraviolet laser, driven by the rise of smart phones, gradually has room for development. In the past, because mobile phones did not have many functions and the cost of laser processing was high, laser processing did not occupy much position in the mobile phone market. However, smart phones now have many functions and are highly integrated. It is necessary to integrate data in a limited space. Ten kinds of sensors and hundreds of functional devices, and the high cost of components, so the accuracy, yield, and processing requirements have greatly increased, and ultraviolet lasers have developed a variety of applications in the mobile phone industry.


The UV laser cutting machine uses UV laser ITO dry etching


The UV laser cutting machine uses UV laser ITO dry etching. The biggest feature of the smart phone is the function of the touch screen. The capacitive touch screen can achieve multi-touch. Corresponding to the resistive touch screen, it has a longer life and a faster response. Capacitive touch screens have become the mainstream choice for smart phones. This is currently popular in our current society, and it is also a hot application.


The circuit board was cut by laser and was first used for flexible circuit board cutting


Ultraviolet laser circuit board cutting, circuit board cutting with laser was first used for flexible circuit board cutting. Because there are many types of circuit boards, early processing is made by mold forming, but the production cost of molds is high and the production cycle is long, so ultraviolet lasers are used. Processing can eliminate the cost and cycle of mold making, and greatly increase the time for sample making. This will not only improve our current work strength and our work efficiency.

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