3W,5W,10W uv laser

Установка УФ лазерного модуля Endurance 355 нм мощностью 3 Вт

May 25 , 2023

Установка УФ-лазерного модуля мощностью 355 нм мощностью 3 Вт


Примеры лазерной гравировки: мощность – 100%, скорость 100 мм/сек.


Информация о безопасности

Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте это руководство перед использованием этого продукта.


In this user manual, important product safety operation specifications, as well as other reference information are provided. In order to ensure your personal safety during the operation of this product and to achieve the best performance of the product, please follow the following cautions and warnings and other relevant operating specifications in this manual.


Do not disassemble the equipment without permission. All maintenance can only be carried out within the company. The upgrade can be carried out by technical support personnel on site. If the equipment is disassembled without permission, the damage will not be covered by the warranty.

The output wavelength of the laser is 355 nm (invisible light), with an average output power of more than 3W, categorized as IV laser. It not only does great harm to the eyes, but also burns the skin. The reflected and scattered light of the device may cause harm to the human body.

Please wear laser safety glasses during use.

It is forbidden to place inflammable and explosive articles on laser path and low ignition point substances such as black paper, cloth and leather.

The laser could be operated only when the external requirements are satisfied, such as power supply, chiller and protection.

There may be strong reflected energy when laser emits on the mental. Please use shelter or working platform with CLASS IV during use.

Please check whether the grounding protection, button and other safety measures are normal.

Please switch off the power and check if there is any abnormal situation.

Caution:Even when the indicator light is set, there will be a weak output of the ultraviolet indicator light at the laser output port.

Today,we will recommend you RFH UV laser brand from China.

20watt high power uv laser source cutting ceramics

Expert III 355 Ultra-Stable Nanosecond UV Laser 10W12W15W


Expert III 355 series UV DPSS laser, developed and produced by RFH, covers 10w-15w in laser power with short pulse width (<20ns@40K) ,superior beam quality (M²<1.2) and perfect laser spot quality (beam circularity >90%). It is widely used in PE/PCB/FPC cutting, glass & sapphire cutting, drilling, scribing & cutting used in high precision micromaching areas.

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