3W,5W,10W uv laser

высокоэнергетический ультрафиолетовый лазер для белого пластика с серийным номером/этикеткой/штрих-кодом

Nov 03 , 2021

high energy ultraviolet laser for white plastic serial number/label/bar code precision


customer reviews


I spent two years researching these types of products before purchasing the for UV laser plastic making. Just finished my first project, a test sign with some graphics and I am impressed with this machine. Worked the first time out of the box by just following the instructions (which could be improved) and the machine went to work carving out the sign. The basic carving and design went well, though I have a lot of work to do in getting used to the software part of it (used the wrong bit I think and made the sign too small for the fonts used). In normal mode, it took an hour and six minutes to carve this little sign, so it's not a quick thing for those of you without patience. But my first impression is that it is well worth the money, I'm happy so far.Reply from RFH: Many thanks for your feedback. 


УФ-лазерная диодная маркировка пластиковой поверхности

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