3W,5W,10W uv laser

Мощный ультрафиолетовый лазер с длиной волны 355 нм маркирует печатные платы для обеспечения возможности отслеживания качества продукции

Aug 19 , 2021

355nm UV laser marking machine PCB QR code, number or text mark

The circuit board of every smart device involves coding and marking. PCB laser marking machine is a two-dimensional code, number or text marking device commonly used by printed circuit board factories. The price on the purchase quotation is very different, and the difference is obvious. How to choose a device suitable for product marking quality and at a reasonable price has become a headache for many buyers.


The UV laser marking machine marks the surface of the PCB board without hurting the copper

In recent years, the circuit board traceability system has become more and more popular, which can realize product quality control traceability, automatic identification, and can better play the role of brand promotion. Compared with inkjet printers, the characteristics of laser marking are more obvious. In the daily production and processing of enterprises, laser marking machines give full play to non-contact processing, fast speed, no consumables and no pollution, and the marking format is fine. To a very small format (3x3mm) for clear marking of two-dimensional codes, etc. It should be said that the UV laser marking machine does not damage the copper when marking the surface of the PCB board. It is a more suitable laser marking machine for PCB circuit board processing.


Nanosecond UV laser high-precision marking PCB

Commonly used marking machines for PCB marking on printed circuit boards include carbon dioxide laser marking and ultraviolet laser marking machines. Under the same configuration, the accuracy of the ultraviolet laser marking machine is higher than that of the carbon dioxide marking machine. The output wavelength of ultraviolet laser is below 400nm, most materials absorb ultraviolet laser higher than infrared laser, and ultraviolet photons are marked by "cold processing" that directly destroys chemical bonds on the surface of the material, which is different from the "hot processing" of infrared carbon dioxide, which evaporates surface materials at high temperature. "Marking, the carbonization degree of the material surface is extremely low, and the marking edge is smoother and finer. In the circuit board factory, some flexible circuit board substrates cannot use "heat treatment", but need to use ultraviolet laser fine processing.

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УФ-лазерная диодная маркировочная машина - это оборудование для тонкой обработки.

Ультрафиолетовая лазерная маркировочная машина Ультрафиолетовая лазерная маркировочная машина представляет собой сложное оборудование в лазерной промышленности. Он может маркировать почти большинство материалов для лазерного применения, особенно стеклянные и кремниевые пластины. Он широко используется в медицинской промышленности.


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