3W,5W,10W uv laser

Как работать с УФ-лазерной маркировочной машиной мощностью 3 Вт

Oct 20 , 2021

How to operate 3W UV laser marking machine


Any machine has a professional operation method, and the same is true for laser marking machines. In today's manufacturing industry, laser marking machines are essential equipment for many companies to carry out production and processing. Therefore, it is especially important to master the scientific operation methods of laser marking machines. Today, let's take a look at how laser marking machines operate.


Nanosecond laser marking machine


If you want the laser marking machine to work normally, you must first turn it on, and carefully check the power cord of the laser marking machine to ensure that the power supply can be correctly connected, and there is current input, and then prepare the key of the equipment and turn it clockwise to open. In the position, after the main power is turned on, make sure that the power can be used normally and the light is on, then adjust the state of the laser head mushroom button to pressed, turn on the computer host and display, and adjust the mushroom button to the up state according to the arrow direction. , The power of the laser head can be switched on. Generally, the laser head will be automatically switched on and started after 60 seconds. Finally, the lens cover is removed, and the laser marking machine will be turned on.


Adjusted to a suitable marking position will perform an operation print test


After the laser marking machine is turned on, it will enter the marking operation step. Open the marking program and enter it. After selecting the marking file, confirm the time and other content in the file and complete the modification. Test before the official marking Mark, and then put a test piece on the workbench, it is best to be similar to the object we want to mark, and then place it firmly and mark the object through the operation of the software, in order to ensure the best marking effect , The focal length can be adjusted. There is a lifting device on the laser head. The adjustment of the device is very important for the marking effect. The power and speed parameters in the software must be adjusted, and the operation and printing will be performed after adjusting to the appropriate marking position. After testing, the test results can be formally marked on the item after the test results meet the requirements. If there is a problem, the parameters need to be adjusted again.


The laser marking machine must be shut down after finishing a day's work


The laser marking machine should be shut down after finishing a day's work. Press the red button to turn off the power of the laser head, and then confirm that there is no software running on the computer and shut it down. If there is running software, exit normally. Then turn off the machine, turn the key counterclockwise to the off position, and cut off the total power supply of the entire laser marking machine. At this time, the indicator light is off. Finally, the key of the laser marking machine should be removed and arranged for someone to keep or place it in Keep it in a special place to prevent it from being lost and convenient for next use. Don't forget to cover the lens cover.

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Ультрафиолетовый лазер RFH 355 наносекунд


В этой статье подробно описан метод работы станка для лазерной маркировки. При работе с лазерной маркировочной машиной мы должны следовать инструкциям производителя. Никогда не включайте машину резко. В то же время убедитесь, что шнур питания надежно заземлен.

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