3W,5W,10W uv laser

Введение в применение ультрафиолетовой лазерной маркировочной машины мощностью 3 Вт в развивающихся отраслях.

Oct 18 , 2021

Introduction to the application of 3W ultraviolet laser marking machine in emerging industries


Ultraviolet laser marking machine has always been a very popular laser marking equipment in the market. With the gradual maturity of domestic laser technology in recent years, ultraviolet laser marking machine has been increasingly used in many emerging industries. Today we will understand the application of UV laser machines in some high-end industries.


1. Application of UV laser marking machine in deep engraving industry


This package of applications contains many forms. Using the software control of the laser system, the laser beam is set for controlled ablation, that is, it can cut a certain material according to the required depth, and can stop, continue and complete the required before turning to another depth and starting another task. Processing. Various in-depth applications include: small-scale production used when embedding chips and surface grinding to remove organic materials from metal surfaces.

The UV laser marking machine can also perform multi-step operations on the substrate. On the polyethylene material, the first step is to use a laser to create a groove with a depth of 2 mils, the second step is to create an 8 mils groove based on the previous step, and the third step is to create a 10 mils groove. This illustrates the overall user control function provided by the UV laser system.


2, the application of purple laser equipment on circuit boards


At present, the application of the purple laser equipment on the circuit board has been recognized, and it is one of the standard equipment in the current use of the circuit board. In addition to the circuit board industry, it is also very useful in other industries, such as colorful light-transmitting keys. For example: Apple mobile phones, IPAD, keyboard and mouse, mobile phone casings, mobile phone chargers, UV plastic casings, watches and so on. Both have outstanding performance. I believe that as the price continues to drop, the popularity of UV laser marking machines will become faster and faster!


3, the application of ultraviolet laser marking machine in drilling


The application of laser marking machine due to the small beam size and low stress properties of the ultraviolet laser is drilling, including through holes, micro holes and blind buried holes. The ultraviolet laser system drills a hole by focusing a vertical beam and cutting straight through the substrate. Depending on the material used, holes as small as 10μm can be drilled. Ultraviolet lasers are particularly useful for multi-layer drilling. Multi-layer PCBs are hot-die casted together using composite materials. These so-called "semi-cured" will separate, especially after the use of higher temperature laser processing. However, the relatively stress-free properties of UV lasers solve this problem. A 14 mil multilayer board is drilled with a 4 mil diameter hole. This application on a flexible polyimide copper-plated substrate shows that there is no separation between the layers. Regarding the low-stress properties of UV lasers, there is another important point: improved yield data. Yield is the percentage of usable circuit boards that are removed from a panel.

ультрафиолетовый лазер  | зеленый лазер  | ультрафиолетовые лазеры  | ультрафиолетовый лазер dpss  | наносекундный лазер  | УФ лазерный источник  | Твердотельные лазеры

RFH УФ-лазер


Вышеупомянутые три пункта представляют собой введение в применение УФ-лазерной маркировочной машины в развивающихся отраслях, разделяемое редактором. В будущей производственной отрасли станок для УФ-лазерной маркировки будет иметь все больше и больше применений со своими преимуществами. Подождем - увидим

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