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Лазерная маркировка пластиковых компонентов PMMA PC Полиэтилен ABS PET
Mar 31 , 2022Laser marking plastic components PMMA PC Polyethylene ABS PET
Customer reviews
I felt like I was groping around in the dark when trying to buy a uv laser. Many options but everything looks the same and there's a lot of uncertainty, foremost for me because it's a huge piece of equipment and I wouldn't know how to repair it if there were issues. What haunted me most was the prospect of having to pack and ship it back to the other side of the world should there be a problem. Still, RFH Laser advertised a warranty and online support, which put me at ease. I'm sure all the laser source sellers are going to be able to send you a uv laser, but communication and the _feeling_ that I wouldn't be stuck to fend for myself if there were any problems were important to me.
Прошло чуть больше месяца с тех пор, как я нажал кнопку «Отправить заказ», и я рад сообщить, что все прошло очень гладко! Ниже приведены некоторые подробности путешествия. Не самые организованные мысли, а какой-то личный рассказ + информация (потому что, ну, я был бы признателен, если бы прочитал о чьем-то опыте, прежде чем заказывать).
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