3W,5W,10W uv laser

Наносекундные УФ-лазеры DPSS серии DX от Photonics Industries с воздушным охлаждением

Mar 28 , 2023

Photonics Industries’ DX Air-Cooled Series nanosecond DPSS UV lasers, with a small, air-cooled form factor (275 in^3, ~15.5 lbs or ~7 kg), offer the highest powers air-cooled in the market, with up to 10 W UV and up to 20 W green. The extra small DX Air-Cooled Series (152.1 in^3, ~10 lbs or ~4.5 kg), outputs average powers of 1 W UV and up to 2 W green. The DX Air-Cooled Series combines capabilities in power, air-cooling, and a small mechanical footprint for optimal integration in industrial laser microprocessing systems. As an exceptionally small DPSS laser, the DX Air-Cooled Series nanosecond laser is the ideal laser source solution from micron-precision marking, to solar cell processing, and to many more industrial laser microprocessing applications.

Today,we will recommend you another UV laser brand from China.

Shenzhen RFH Laser Technology Co.,Ltd was founded in 2007 with headquarters in Shenzhen High-Tech Industrial Park, branch offices in Wuhan and Suzhou and production base in Huiyang.  As the leading industrial solid-state laser manufacturer, RFH laser company offer 355nm ultraviolet laser, 532nm green laser and customized laser for a broad range of commercial, industrial, and scientific applications. 

And I would like to show you how to RFH 15w high power uv laser source for Glass mirror paint stripping

УФ-лазер DPSS серии Expert III 355 , разработанный и произведенный RFH, обеспечивает мощность лазера 10-15 Вт с короткой шириной импульса (<20 нс при 40K), превосходным качеством луча (M²<1,2) и превосходным качеством лазерного пятна (округлость луча> 90). %). Он широко используется для резки PE/PCB/FPC, резки стекла и сапфира, сверления, скрайбирования и резки, используемых в областях высокоточной микрообработки.

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