3W,5W,10W uv laser

Научно-популярное, что такое "ультрафиолетовая лазерная система"

Jul 01 , 2022

Научно-популярное, что такое "ультрафиолетовая лазерная система"


Благодаря популярности лазерного производства, особенно обработки ультрафиолетовым лазером в 3C-индустрии и производстве бытовой техники, точной маркировки и резки; оперативная маркировка систем отслеживания продуктов питания и лекарств; Растет спрос на оборудование для УФ-лазерной обработки, которое просто в установке и использовании, стабильно, надежно и экономично и может поставляться партиями. Продукты серии RFH Laser UV полны разнообразия, зрелого дизайна, стабильны и надежны, а также имеют достаточную производственную мощность. Этим жарким летом это в полной мере принесет пользу клиентам и отправит предложение отправить прохладно.

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

Popular science, what is "ultraviolet laser"


Unlike infrared light processing, ultraviolet processing is not essentially heat treatment. The ultraviolet wavelength is short, and the material absorbs ultraviolet light more easily than infrared light. High-energy ultraviolet photons directly break the molecular bonds on the surface of many non-metallic materials. This way Does not generate high heat, commonly known as "cold processing", mainly using UV laser (wavelength 355nm), the processed parts have the advantages of smooth edges and minimal carbonization.


It can be seen from the comparison that the focused spot of UV laser is extremely small, and the processing heat-affected zone is very small, which is especially suitable for ultra-fine marking, cutting and other applications, and is the first choice for customers who have higher requirements on processing results.


Specifically, the main technical advantages are:


1. Wide range of applications, except copper materials, common metal and non-metal materials are suitable;


2. The beam quality is good, the focusing spot is smaller, and ultra-fine marking can be realized;


3. The heat affected area is extremely small, no thermal effect accumulation occurs, and no material scorching problem occurs;


4. The marking speed is fast, the efficiency is high, and the text pattern is clear, uniform and durable;


5. The whole machine has stable performance, small size, low power consumption and easy maintenance.

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