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Меры предосторожности при покупке УФ-лазерной маркировочной машины мощностью 3 Вт
Oct 13 , 2021
Nowadays, there is a lot of competition from unscrupulous merchants in the society, which will result in a lot of products that are originally the same, when they are sold, they will be the same, and they will be the same when they are blown out. Many consumers are afraid to buy products easily. What about? Including the UV laser marking machine, fiber laser marking machine and carbon dioxide laser marking machine that we want to know, how can we buy a good and effective one?
355nm laser marking machine
First of all, the laser marking machine belongs to an industrial product. If it has not been tested by the certification and related departments, it is absolutely not allowed to buy. In addition, it has not entered a category of civilian office. Simply put, it has more than half of it. People buy machines to make money to earn other people’s money, and a commodity owned by the public belongs to the people and is often used in life.
We must pay attention to a lot of precautions
Therefore, during the purchase process, we must pay attention to a lot of precautions, so as to avoid stepping on the minefield and benefit ourselves. First of all, we need to look at the material of his workpieces, as well as some surface treatments. At the same time, we have to dye the design. It is the laser marking machine to be seen. Although it is only a processed product, in many cases, it requires pre-polishing and adding photosensitive additives. After reaching the standard, we also need to carry out pickling and powder spraying. Program, so you can test it after you buy the marking machine. If the ideal one reaches the standard, no follow-up public art is needed.
Also take into account your own budget
First of all, you have to consider your own budget, which means how you will buy this product. Is it a one-time payment, or you have to think about the maintenance of later maintenance is very important at this point, because you have to choose It’s correct, and reliable manufacturers and some sales agencies, you need to find out whether he will provide you with simple after-sales service and a process of letting you try the machine in advance. In addition, the general situation will be , Simply teach some simple operations, as well as the technical problems of replacing the template. If these do not work, it will also prolong your production and delay your time a lot.
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Срок службы лазерной маркировочной машины обычно достигает десяти лет.
Не относитесь к жизни машины слишком серьезно. Вы должны исправить свое поведение. В общем, нам нужно заранее узнать нашу жизнь. Срок службы волоконно-лазерной маркировочной машины обычно составляет до десяти лет. Если техническое обслуживание хорошее, на этой основе можно добавить углекислый газ. Его герметизирующий эффект лучше и может быть гарантирован более десяти лет. Если она старомодна, стеклянную трубку следует заменить заранее. Это также должно быть согласовано и согласовано с продавцом заранее.
RFH УФ-лазер
Вышеприведенное содержание означает, что при покупке различных типов машин для лазерной маркировки мы должны уточнить наши собственные потребности, а затем протестировать машины, принимая во внимание нашу собственную экономическую ситуацию, начиная с этих трех аспектов, чтобы вы могли купить это будет большой пользы.