3W,5W,10W uv laser

Идеальное сочетание ювелирной промышленности и оборудования для резки зеленым лазером с длиной волны 532 нм.

Sep 16 , 2021

Идеальное сочетание ювелирной промышленности и оборудования для резки зеленым лазером с длиной волны 532 нм.


Коричневый мир несет в себе пятицветные облака, сверкающее кольцо с бриллиантом наделено вечными обещаниями, яркая одежда испещрена пестрыми старыми мечтами, а безупречные часы украшены тоской в ​​будущее. Это не наши фантазии. Для сегодняшних вездесущих украшений этим вещам уже давно приданы новые значения. Орнаменты уже не просто украшение, им доверена нотка умиления, и у нас есть своя печаль. Мы всегда говорим об этом. Вещи думают о людях, а потом рвут вниз. Наконец, в этих грустных или радостных спинах есть истории, красивые до опьянения и душевной боли до изможденности, а аксессуары сохраняются каким-то неописуемым образом. Спуститесь и оставьте это миру, чтобы полюбоваться.


Зеленый лазер RFH для резки и гравировки ювелирных изделий


Modern jewelry has developed to this day and has become a new technology application industry. It is no longer just some simple jewelry, earrings, etc., but has developed many new varieties with complex names and crystal clear. Among them, we have selected some things that are both decorative and ornamental and applied to our daily life, which has become a part of our daily life. We display these jewels, or noble and elegant accessories, for the admiration of thousands of people, and also admire them inside, to enhance our temperament and taste. This value method of both internal and external repairs can be perfectly interpreted in wearing accessories. , This is the value and meaning of modern jewelry.

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Jewelry laser cutting machine, jewelry laser marking machine application


However, it is not so easy for us to pick out some truly valuable items from the dazzling array of accessories. The materials, production techniques, usage, decorative parts, value, etc. of the accessories are all different, so The scope of its use and application is also different. Accessories are generally divided into home accessories, clothing accessories, auto accessories, ornamental accessories, etc. They are generally used to decorate themselves, light up the home, paint accessories, etc., so these accessories generally have one thing in common, that is, exquisite and pleasing to the eye. Beautiful, luxurious and elegant, etc., and the production of these accessories requires some special methods. Ordinary artificially manufactured accessories are too rough, difficult to modify, irregular shapes, and poorly painted colors. The perfect spirit is unforgivable for most people. Based on this, jewelry laser cutting machine and jewelry laser marking machine were born, which just made up for this defect. So that the accessories that people are looking for and needed can be produced.


RFH nanosecond solid-state laser


The birth of jewelry laser equipment has provided great convenience for the production of many exquisite jewelry. We all know that jewelry can be made of both metal and non-metal. However, ordinary hand-made and machines cannot be made across regions, while some ordinary Metal accessories, dolls, small sachets, etc. are also accessories that people often need. The production benefits are great. How can we balance the two? Laser equipment can provide a good answer. Laser equipment includes not only metal laser equipment. , There are also non-metallic laser equipment, and the laser marking machine can not only mark metal jewelry but also non-metal jewelry, both bear and fish palms are available. And there is no need to worry about it. Whether it is manufacturing speed, manufacturing accuracy, and production efficiency, it is beyond the reach of manual manufacturing and ordinary machines. More importantly, the jewelry produced by laser equipment does not need to be modified in the later stage, and is directly in place in one step. And the accessories are comparable to natural ones, and they are integrated. While maintaining its unique charm, it also maintains its own unique attributes.


Green Laser Laser Process


For today’s jewelry industry, the development of jewelry laser technology is directly linked to the development of the jewelry industry. If you want to stand out and be unique among many jewelry, and be invincible in the increasingly fierce competitive environment, in addition to staying novel at all times In addition to the originality, a laser device that meets the taste of the jewelry is needed. The premise of the fashion trend is to be able to create products that match it, otherwise everything can only be empty talk. Therefore, a laser device is self-evident for the jewelry industry.

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