3W,5W,10W uv laser

УФ-лазер 355 нм панель переключателей маркировки с небольшой площадью теплового воздействия

Aug 30 , 2021

UV laser marking switch panel

Switch panel, as the base material in home decoration Carry the beauty of the room space to the bottom In order to meet the needs of modern home life for appearance and grade The function of the panel begins to become diversified and intelligent Switch panel laser marking machine, the most beautiful display of the panel


Laser marking machine can customize panel button functions according to user needs

In-depth panel texture, engraved with diversified function icons The buttons are arranged in an orderly manner, and the personalized patterns are on the buttons Whether it's an old man or a child All can have an intelligent experience based on the button graphics The convenience of intelligence can be infinitely magnified without being limited by age


The laser process forges the ultimate touch while maximizing the panel texture

The pictures and texts are clearly marked and will last forever With the touch of a finger, surging smart aesthetics pouring out The keyboard-like keys spread the long-standing charm and novelty Extremely more performance, with the trigger

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Лазерная маркировочная машина начинается с деталей жизни

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