3W,5W,10W uv laser

Решения для УФ-лазерной маркировки пластиковых бутылок и контейнеров из ПЭТ

Jan 31 , 2023

Печать и лазерная маркировка на пластике (ПЭТ)

Промышленные решения для маркировки пластиковых бутылок и контейнеров из ПЭТ


Полиэтилентерефталат (ПЭТФ) уже давно используется в качестве контейнера для жидкостей на рынках газированных безалкогольных напитков, бутилированной воды, энергетических и фруктовых напитков благодаря присущим ему свойствам прочности, гибкости и прозрачности. Кроме того, ПЭТ-бутылки набирают популярность по сравнению с такими материалами, как HDPE, для упаковки потребительских товаров, таких как шампунь.

Сверхстабильная наносекундная лазерная маркировка QR-код на пластиковой крышке

There are two primary technologies for coding on PET packaging: continuous inkjet printing and CO2 laser marking.  offers a number of unique CIJ ink formulations that provide quality inkjet codes on PET, and laser systems for making high resolution, permanent marks. The use of special printheads on inkjet printers and beam turning units on laser systems help ensure the printers can fit into space constrained locations and apply codes in the same location on every product.


UV Laser marking on PET

When laser marking on plastic, particularly PET bottles, a UV laser can deliver a unique interaction with the plastic surface. This interaction yields a frosted effect on a bottle or container to produce visible, permanent codes. Choosing the right laser requires matching the laser wavelength to the PET’s thickness. To make this match, Videojet laser experts help evaluate substrates, provide marked samples, and make recommendations to meet code and speed requirements.


 application expertise in printing on PET bottles spans many years and includes deep knowledge of trends such as lightweighting. The latest ultra-thin PET bottles are as much as 50% thinner and lighter than they used to be. To avoid deep engraving of lightweight plastic surfaces and to preserve the bottle’s structural integrity, UV  lasers using a 9.3μm wavelength are ideal. For example, the UV laser, available with a 9.3μm tube, is designed to help meet maximum throughput with consistent mark quality on ultra-thin PET bottles.

Continuous inkjet on PET

 continuous inkjet printers (CIJ) provide accurate, non-contact printing, even on the irregular shapes of PET bottles and containers. The selection of Videojet inks includes fast-dry, removable, high-contrast, food-safe, and condensation penetrating — all designed for the range of CIJ printers, so meeting code, speed, and production requirements can be easily achieved. Built-in Videojet Code Assurance solutions are engineered to simplify processes and help get the right code in the right place, on the right product, time after time.

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