3W,5W,10W uv laser

УФ-лазерная маркировка пакетов для пищевых продуктов и аптечек

Feb 24 , 2023

Various industries are involved in the packaging of goods. In many cases, the outer packaging of a product directly affects consumers’ desire to buy. The laser marking machine can be used to mark a variety of patterns on the packaging, and it also has a powerful information traceability function, which greatly improves the efficiency of product packaging and makes quality monitoring and market circulation traceability more convenient.


Therefore, in the commodity packaging industry, laser marking solutions have become the choice of more manufacturers.


UV Laser marking for food packaging bags

УФ-лазер с длиной волны 355 нм для маркировки кода даты на упаковке продуктов питания

Marking on food packaging is one of the common applications of laser marking machines in our daily life. By printing the date and other information on the outer packaging of food, we can accurately understand the product’s expiration date, origin, as well as the ingredients contained in the product, storage conditions and other information. In the past few years, these processes are usually completed by inkjet printers. However, inkjet printing has many disadvantages, for example, the information is easily tampered with, and it cannot play a good role in marking.


Now most products are marked with laser marking machines. Once the mark is finished, it can no longer be changed and erased, which can play a better role in protecting the quality of the product.


UV Laser marking for medicine box

Medical is an industry that has high requirements for product quality and safety, and laser technology just meets these characteristics.

Маркировка с помощью УФ-лазерной маркировочной машины для аптечек отличается долговечностью, коррозионной стойкостью и защитой окружающей среды. Постоянство гарантирует безопасность продукта и предотвращает фальсификацию информации и создание поддельных и некачественных лекарств. Коррозионная стойкость максимально увеличивает срок хранения информации и улучшает отслеживаемость продукта. Показатели защиты окружающей среды обеспечивают безопасность лекарственных средств и не производят токсичных веществ, влияющих на эффективность лекарственных средств.


что такое УФ-лазер: https://www.rfhtech.com/expert-iii-355-ultra-stable-nanosecond-uv-laser-10w12w15w_p13.html 

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