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поставщик ультрафиолетового лазера для сверления отверстий в известково-натриевом стекле
Nov 15 , 2021поставщик ультрафиолетового лазера для сверления отверстий в известково-натриевом стекле
Отзывы клиентов
I used my birthday money to invest in this as a hobby to earn a little extra money. I'm totally new at this kind of machine and after some trial and error, I figure out how to laser drill holes in a soda lime glass. After about 20 days worth of use, the laser cutter has been worked quite well and is sufficient for the jobs I am interested in doing, i.e. laser cutting glass craft parts. The operation is very simple and direct, but you must take safety precautions (goggles included) because the laser light is very powerful. All inquiries I subsequently made to the RFH team were answered promptly and very kindly. I recommend this kit for both beginners or for more professional jobs. Overall, I am very pleased with the laser machine, customer service, and of course, the things that I am able to create. I'm definitely looking at a bigger, more powerful laser in the future to increase creative possibilities.
uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers