3W,5W,10W uv laser

уф лазер с системой водяного охлаждения маркировка пластик не повреждается

Sep 01 , 2021

355nm UV laser marking plastic

Plastic is a synthetic polymer material with plasticity. Plastic products are the general term for daily or public goods processed with plastic as the main raw material. Plastic products are within reach in our daily lives, such as plastic bowls, plastic buckets, water cups, faucets, mobile phone cases, lamps, etc., which are one of the most widely used materials. Generally speaking, it is mainly used in agricultural plastics, packaging plastics, construction plastics, decorative plastics, medical plastics and other industries. With the advancement of technology and the change of plastic composite materials, the application in the field of consumer electronics is also increasing. Many, such as mobile phones, computers and other products.


Nanosecond UV laser marking plastic products with clear and beautiful markings

From this, we can see the importance of plastics in our daily lives. The wide application of plastics affects our daily lives. In order to improve the brand influence of their products, manufacturers also promote brand promotion and user experience. In order to facilitate the use of downstream products, plastic products must be marked with clear and beautiful production date, logo, patent number, company name, parameters, indicator name, serial number and other information.


Laser marking machine has become an effective processing method

If you want a clear and beautiful image of the character string at the mark, you need to use special marking equipment, such as a plastic laser marking machine or a coding equipment. The working principles and materials used in inkjet equipment limit its development. Inkjet itself has high pollution, high consumables, high failures, and high maintenance problems, which limit its application. For example, in the food field, it needs to be used carefully. In addition, in some long-contact products, it is easy to wipe off, which is not conducive to use, such as light switches, chargers, etc. Correspondingly, plastic laser marking machine has become an effective processing method, which is characterized by non-contact processing, pollution-free, high operation precision, fast marking speed, easy operation and permanent marking effect. Plastic laser marking machine has become the first choice marking machine in the plastic products industry.

ультрафиолетовый лазер  | зеленый лазер  | Ультрафиолетовые лазеры  | ультрафиолетовый лазер dpss  | наносекундный лазер  | УФ лазерный источник  | Твердотельные лазеры

Использование лазерных маркировочных машин в пластмассовой промышленности

В связи с огромным спросом на рынке приложений развитие пластиковых изделий получило развитие. Когда возможность лазерной маркировки появляется на пластиковых изделиях, они быстро вызывают химические реакции, что открывает новые возможности для развития пластиковых изделий. Лазерная маркировка в производстве пластмассовых изделий. Использование маркировочных машин также способствовало развитию отрасли машин для лазерной маркировки.


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