3W,5W,10W uv laser

Каковы причины высокой цены УФ-лазерной маркировочной машины мощностью 3 Вт?

Oct 14 , 2021

What are the reasons for the high price of 3W UV laser marking machine?


Believe that we are no strangers to laser marking machines! Although many people use optical fiber marking machines, some people use UV laser marking machines gradually, but when we use optical fiber marking machines, they will It is much more convenient, and the use time of this machine is relatively long, which is much longer than the use time of the UV laser marking machine. But the price of UV fiber marking machine is more expensive, so why is it more expensive than ordinary fiber marking machine which is longer and more convenient to use? Then the following editor will explain to you one time:


355nm UV laser marking machine


Some of us may think that the structure of the UV laser marking machine is definitely different from that of the fiber laser marking machine. Therefore, the UV laser marking machine is more expensive. In fact, on the contrary, the prices of these two marking machines are similar. The parts are all the same. I won't say what parts are more or less. So what is the reason that the UV laser marking machine is so expensive?


The price of UV laser marking machine will be higher


Although the structures of these two machines are similar, the optical components of these two machines cannot be used in common between the two. And the wavelengths of the two marking machines are also different, so the technical difficulty of the two marking machines is not on the same level, so there is no doubt that the price of the UV laser marking machine will be higher.


The spot focused by the ultraviolet laser is relatively small, and the affected area of ​​this heating is also relatively small

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

Although the materials on both sides of the two marking machines are the same, the quality of the equipment and the required models are different, such as the lens and galvanometer in the marking machine. The quality and the thickness of the coating inside are different, so these two cannot be used in common. Although the lens and galvanometer in the UV laser marking machine are called the same, the price is more expensive, not in the market. There is a big price change for things, just because the equipment is not on the same machine.

And because of the characteristics of the UV laser marking machine, its requirements for the environment are relatively strict. Because of the water-cooled laser, this must always be kept at a constant temperature, so there are extremely high requirements for the machine's accessories. Because the spot focused by the ultraviolet laser is relatively small, and the affected area of ​​this heating is also relatively small, it can be used for small customer requirements or some relatively uncommon materials. This is for some markings. The products are manufactured by relatively high customers. Moreover, the UV lighter can be applied to a variety of materials. It is not only the quality of the beam is good, the focused spot is smaller, but also more precise marking can be carried out;


RFH UV laser


Это причина, по которой машина для УФ-лазерной маркировки дорогая из-за вышеперечисленных моментов, но у нее есть то преимущество, что она дорогая. Он имеет гораздо более широкий спектр материалов, чем машина для маркировки волоконным лазером, а также имеет большую долю для клиентов с высоким спросом. Преимущество.

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