3W,5W,10W uv laser

Какая марка УФ-лазерной маркировочной машины мощностью 10 Вт лучше?

Oct 13 , 2021

Which brand of 10W UV laser marking machine is better?


Nowadays, there are many merchants selling marking machines on the market, among which there are many brands, but we basically don’t know which brand is good. Today I will tell you which brand of laser marking machine is good. This is also convenient for everyone to buy. There was a clear number in my mind when I was in, the following is the main content of this time.


RFH UV laser cold light source marking machine


First of all, let me start by saying that some of the following are marked by the French Sick logo and some foreign domestic products. The main thing is performance. The moisture in some machines is relatively deep. I think that when buying, like in Shenzhen, you can choose to surpass the laser. There are also some laser marking processing plants around Longgang. Chaoyang Laser is also a more trustworthy old brand in the local area. Many people will choose this company for purchase. The local reputation is also relatively high, and the price is relatively reasonable. It is not particularly expensive. . Many of the reasons also include three points. First, the parts of the laser marking machine it uses are relatively excellent, so the performance of the equipment is relatively high.


Good brand laser manufacturer


Nowadays, there are all kinds of brands and products in the market. Everyone only pays attention to touting their own business, but touting is one thing, and the effect of the product is also one thing, so through many People’s tests and pits will bring out some better brands. I believe that when you ask the merchants around you, you will have the answer, but don’t find a black-hearted merchant. Say it like this. All of them are lie, and that is of no effect. It is best to be friends who know and know more.


RFH uv laser manufacture


I will also give you a list of a few brands and merchants that are relatively good through comparison tests. In fact, there are still many better brands and merchants that are not included in what I said. Sometimes a lot of online content is true. , But there are also untrue, so we still have to rely on our own intuition and carefulness. When buying, we must not blindly choose, do not be led by the nose by the merchant, and find a professional person to buy the machine. This way You can understand the difference between the various performances and accessories of the machine, and finally you can buy a suitable machine.

ультрафиолетовый лазер  | зеленый лазер  | Ультрафиолетовые лазеры  | ультрафиолетовый лазер dpss  | наносекундный лазер  | УФ лазерный источник  | Твердотельные лазеры

RFH Наносекундный УФ-лазер


Вышеизложенное является простым объяснением некоторых хороших марок машин для лазерной маркировки. Хотя содержание простое, оно также более практично. Может быть, вы можете использовать содержимое внутри. Короче, будьте осторожны, когда покупаете, а потом делайте это заранее. Рейдеры, это тоже удобно при покупке, больших проблем не будет, надеюсь эта статья поможет нуждающимся!

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