10W-15W uv laser

Высокая безопасность! Ультрафиолетовые лазеры 355 нм маркируют пластиковую упаковку стирального порошка

Nov 07 , 2022

High security! Ultraviolet Lasers 355nm marking plastic packaging


Once the laundry detergent was launched, its simple and efficient cleaning and decontamination ability instantly captured the hearts of many consumers and entered thousands of households. Or 51.5 billion, and there is still potential in the future.

The development of the laundry detergent market has also driven the popularity of laundry detergent bottle packaging. Various exquisite packaging styles have been put into the market. After years of market washing, the outer packaging of laundry detergent on the market is now mainly in bags and bottles. Before leaving the factory, laundry detergent processing manufacturers will also mark the date of manufacture, shelf life, specifications, serial numbers and other information on the outer packaging to facilitate further identification and inspection by consumers.


The labeling method of the outer packaging of laundry detergent is mainly realized by labeling or inkjet. The cost is low and the production is simple, but it is easy to be tampered with and imitated, and the anti-counterfeiting function is weak, which is inconsistent with the identity of modern emerging washing products.


When the combination of emerging products and emerging marking technology - laser marking, what kind of sparks will collide?



Laser marking is a high-energy-density laser beam that instantly vaporizes and evaporates according to the designed graphic path, thereby leaving a uniform and beautiful mark on the surface of the material. The depth and line width of the mark can be obtained by adjusting the process parameters. Since the materials in bags and bottles are more sensitive to heat, the cold working characteristics of Ultraviolet Lasers 355nm are more in line with the requirements of high quality marking. The whole marking process is pollution-free, and it can also make the product out of the low-end grade. In order to enhance the brand influence, it is also more conducive to the publicity and promotion of the brand.


Ultraviolet Lasers has a short wavelength of 355nm, high material absorption rate, and high single-photon energy of 355nm ultraviolet light, which can break the molecular bonds of some materials during marking. ) can make the heat affected zone smaller, the entire mark can be regarded as "cold worked", and the plastic/film material in bags and bottles is not easily deformed and scorched by heat.



Отличное качество луча (М2<1,2) и легкая фокусировка ультрафиолетового света делают диаметр пятна небольшим после фокусировки луча, излучаемого лазером, а ширина линии маркировки после маркировочного оборудования достигает микронного уровня даже при маркировке высококонтрастных двухцветных материалов. размерные коды. Делай это легко. Маркировка является постоянной, не осыпающейся, не тускнеющей, износостойкой и устойчивой к царапинам, что играет важную роль в отслеживании продукции и защите от подделок, расширяя возможности продукции.

УФ-лазер S9: https://www.rfhtech.com/s9-series-3w-5w-10w-uv-laser_p9.html 


Лазер также может быть интегрирован в сборочную линию, процесс маркировки может быть завершен за считанные секунды, и он может работать непрерывно в течение 24 часов в суровых условиях с высокими или низкими температурами, что значительно повышает эффективность производства и помогает производителям экономить трудозатраты.

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