3W,5W,10W uv laser

Сплошная зеленая кожа, вырезанная лазером, не желтеет

Aug 09 , 2021

Solid green laser source cut leather does not turn yellow


You may have assembled puzzles, or you may have assembled Lego

But have you ever assembled a handbag?

Recently, nendo, a well-known design studio founded by Sato Dai

"Up to you anthology" for the Italian online luggage store

Designed a series of laser-cut handbags that need to be assembled manually


Each handbag is made of a single sheet of laser-cut leather

The "invisible blade" of the laser beam

Draw a line like a meteor

Precise and fast cutting of leather

The cutting surface is smooth and flat without burrs

Highlight the low-key charm of leather

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

The handbag was finally distributed to buyers in the form of a sheet of flat leather

The user only needs to insert the supplied rivets into the hollow holes

You can fold the flat leather into a three-dimensional handbag

Simplicity and practicality, but also unique style and fun

This special selling method simplifies the production process

Also minimize inventory and transportation costs


For design companies or brands

Laser technology has a lot of room for customization

Traditional leather cutting methods include punching and tailoring

Need to make and use different shapes of die

High cost, low efficiency, not suitable for mass customized production

And under the laser cutting process

Any graphics and combinations are not afraid of challenges

Let simple materials change a lot

Can provide different sizes and shapes for users to freely choose

Large-format worktable design is suitable for cutting large-size non-metallic materials. And the height of the working table is designed in line with human mechanics.

Он может резать большие площади шерсти и искусственной кожи. Белая ткань не желтеет при разрезании. Срез обеспыленной ткани не будет жестким, режущая кромка не будет желтой или черной, а пух не сгорит.

Благодаря функциям контроля мощности, частоты и скорости эффективно уменьшаются заусенцы при резке углов.

Сочетая богатый практический опыт и постоянно совершенствуя процесс резки, он находится в авангарде внутренней области резки волокнистых панелей (таких как звукопоглощающие панели).

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