S9 UV laser marking PCB circuit board QR code
S9 UV laser has long life and strong stability
355nm UV laser has cutting, marking and drilling technology
With the development of science and technology, the demand for smart products is increasing rapidly and becoming more and more popular. The representative one is intelligence, integrated communication, audio, and multimedia. In addition to powerful intelligent technology, its manufacturing process is becoming more and more sophisticated. Behind the thinner and lighter smartphones, there are high requirements for integrated hardware, such as circuit board integration and semiconductor chip integration. How to complete the manufacturing and processing of these integrated hardware? This has to be said, the classic version of the 355nm UV laser of the RFH brand.
The circuit board application in the main PCB circuit board and the sub-PCB circuit board are mainly manifested in the main PCB circuit board and the sub-PCB circuit board. In order to meet the requirements of integrated hardware refinement, the RFH 355nm ultraviolet laser cutting, marking, and drilling technology needs to be used in this process.
The S9 series of pulsed ultraviolet solid-state lasers produced by RFH specially developed for the 3C electronics industry have won the favor of circuit board manufacturers since they were put on the market. The following editor will show up to explain the characteristics of S9 UV laser in detail:
Compared with products of the same type, S9 UV laser is smaller in size, more exquisite in design, and more stable in light output. The small and exquisite design means that users do not need to make a large optical path, which can greatly reduce costs, save space, and have good mobility. It is easy to install in the field of equipment such as flying marking. The S9 ultraviolet laser is not only compact, but also has a more stable cavity structure and stronger scalability than similar products. The same cavity can produce lasers of different powers, and the stability of different power ranges is greatly improved
At the same time, superior product quality is more competitive.
Ultraviolet lasers usually output wavelengths below 0.4μm, which is the main advantage of processing polymer materials. Unlike infrared processing, ultraviolet micro-processing is not essentially a heat treatment, and most materials absorb ultraviolet light more easily than infrared light. The short wavelength of ultraviolet itself has advantages for the mechanical micro-processing of metals and polymers. It can be focused to a point on the order of sub-micrometers, so it is widely used in the processing of fine parts.
For machine manufacturers, a good solid-state laser can effectively improve production efficiency and provide terminal equipment with stronger market competitiveness. The new product series of RFH pulsed ultraviolet solid-state laser S9 has a laser wavelength of 354.7nm and a wide range of repetition frequency (single pulse to 200kHz), which can be absorbed by the material and is less destructive to the material. And it has superior beam quality (M2<1.2), which is strictly guaranteed in all frequency ranges; pulse width is <20ns@30k, and the heat-affected area is small during processing.
S9 series UV lasers also have unique Q-switching control technology, full digital intelligent power control, simple operation, low cost of hands-on, and suitable for various laser application control needs; the internal cavity self-purification system makes the laser long life, stable operation, and low Maintenance costs. We fully consider the convenience of machine control in the workshop, so the laser also supports communication with the computer, and the laser can be controlled externally through RS232.
После 13 лет разработки и осаждения RFH Laser в настоящее время имеет старшую группу по исследованиям и разработкам в области лазеров, состоящую из профессоров, экспертов и врачей в стране и за рубежом. Он создал отдел исследований и разработок в области прикладного процесса, отдел исследований и разработок в области лазеров и отдел исследований и разработок в области электротехники. Он выиграл десятки национальных и программных работ, является «высокотехнологичным предприятием», «высокотехнологичным предприятием Шэньчжэня», богатые технические резервы являются основной конкурентоспособностью лазера RFH.
Что касается гарантии на продукцию, мы предоставим клиентам полный набор услуг, включая закупки, контроль качества перед началом производства, строгий процесс сборки, тестирование готовой продукции, контроль качества на складе, проверку перед доставкой, послепродажное обслуживание для преодоления вашей покупки. , установка, ввод в эксплуатацию и использование Технические проблемы во всех ссылках, а также обеспечение качественного послепродажного обслуживания, проверка на каждом уровне, чтобы обеспечить стабильное качество и соответствие параметров оборудования фактическим рабочим параметрам.
В настоящее время RFH Laser выпустила серию ультрафиолетовых лазеров мощностью 3 Вт-5 Вт S9, мощность которых в будущем увеличится до 8 Вт, 10 Вт, 12 Вт, 15 Вт. Эта серия может широко использоваться для маркировки электронных продуктов, маркировки корпуса электроприборов, маркировки даты производства продуктов питания и лекарств, микрообработки бытовой электроники и т. д.